So the Planning authorities have now come back and confirmed that they are happy for me to continue removing the rock spoil from the bunker entrance and access road. Where's the number for the diggerman? A little bit more preparation and I'll be ready for phase 2.
I also had a visit from mrmaggit, a pistonheader who's been following the story and was this week over here on holiday. He even managed to pose infront of the bunker in his "What would Dave do?" T-shirt.

More Dave T-shirts as seen on
ok boys the suspence is killin me,need a diggerman i will bring my track hoe and help.If only i could figure out how to truck it from calgary alberta canada.keep diggin boys this is way to cool!!!
Please tell me you are not near Haut de la Garenne where the Sex offences are supposed to have taken place. it is all over the BBC about a German Bunker. Major coincidence?
Jim, thats miles away. Nothing to do with my neck of the woods whatsoever thank heavens.
I want a bunker too :-(
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